Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Introducing...... Me :p :D

Lintang Puspitasari (Flowerosalice Victorialice)

#1 human

#2 muslim

#3 belieber


#1 God

#2 Prophet Muhammad SAW

#3 Family

#4 Justin/Beliebers

#5 Friends

im just an ordinary little girl in this big world who's just trying to find my place on earth as a human being n a girl ;) :))))

im that person >>

i dont declare it when i do smth.. i dont talk about my intentions.. i dont need to explain mysef to u.. if u can see it then good for u but if the other way around.. i can only care less to be honest.. your mind can always take u anywhere n people tend to believe what they want to believe.. so whats the point again of making everyone sees ur real intention? just quit the talks n start to act more.. do stuff not just for our sake but also the others' n especially for the Almighty.. n done! we'll have nothing to worry about ;)
n yet people still wonder on why it looks like as if im always so unfazed with just about everything.. i guess u people just dont understand but..whatever..u do u ;)

just bc i dont show it doesnt mean im not feelin it.. just like it doesnt mean shits just bc i dont say anything..
some people r not much of a talker nor do they have that time to run their mouth all the time like some others do..
we're all different.. dont u even bother to expect everyone to be just like u or someone of ur liking lol
we're all a perfect mixed of good & bad..
we're all imperfectly fine till u start to be a jerk n think u're good enough to have a say on anything or anyone u actually know nothing bout ;)

surely i enjoy novels.. some, i mean :p cuz its not like i'll be just fine of any book thrown at me cuz nope! just no! i have my types :D  reading novels makes me feel like swimming into another whole new different ocean (even tho i cant swim in reality lol but yeah i've surely read books n novels before but they're in my language, mother tongue, despite of that, i was never a reader until i stumbled upon english novels.. Cassie's novels, #TheMortalInstruments, never have i thought that stumbling upon english novels would trigger my reading mood n makes me wanna look for my kind of stories i'd like to read lol that makes me a reader.. not a hardcore one tho :D :p dont even start to call me a reader lmao bc 100% im so sure im not :D its just weird when people come to me like "i see you're a reader" n im just like "nah u dont" :p

if i had a dollar for being so extremely loyal to people.. u'd never see me around ever again.. cuz i'd be traveling the universe like the rich rich girl i was lol thats probably why i dont get a dollar for that :D :p

the stillness n the composure u see stretching as far as your eyes can see on the surface of an ocean.. u may know the fractions of whats beneath.. u even may have some ideas of whats underneath it.. but the thing is.. u just have no idea at all of whats actually underneath the ocean.. even if u manage to dive in to as what u think as the deepest part of the ocean.. well, u think
im the ocean.. so deep n full of unnoticed things.. but people only see my surface & think thats all thats left of me.. 

and aye.. as its already obvious im a belieber.. a fan of JB.. i think I'll stop loving & supporting Justin if a mute man tells a deaf man that a blind man just saw a legless man crossing the street ;)
tbh meeting him is one of my biggest dreams. and meeting him is like trynna reach a star. u know u'll never reach it but u're still trying :D :p
Je t'aime Kidrauhl 

and yeah i love Justin. thats rite! but hey its funny if u think hes my so #1 idol aw c'mon, i know the boundary! ;) my so #1 idol will always be the greatest man that has ever walked this earth, prophet Muhammad SAW, peace be upon him. hes an amazing and a perfect example for all mankind in the world. no one would ever top him 

btw.. speaking of other things that matter, its only God who can judge somebody
stop lecturing especially judging people and making fun of somebody. they may be better than you n u just have no idea ;)

"think b4 u speak, words r more powerful than u think" - Justin

being grateful is awesome!
we'll always be all happy about anything
bc, we're not grateful bc we're happy but bc we r grateful, we r happy.. we'll smile more n crap talk less bc theres so much to be grateful for in life than the craps flying around in the air
n oh.. live your life to the fullest, y'all!!! :))))))))))))
spread love & positivity!
lets just "dance" n keep smiling even though world is no where as beautiful as heaven.. just be grateful to the Almighty ! 

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1) @lintangpusspita (personal account)

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1) Lintang Puspita Victorialice
2) Lintang Puspitasari

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