Friday, February 10, 2017

English Educational Article in response to an educational related news article in Indonesia

Educational Article 
English Educational Article in response to an educational related news article in Indonesia

Lintang Puspitasari
College Students
Education Dept. of English, STKIP PGRI PASURUAN

A good education is arguably the most important service that a government can provide to its citizens. Ironically, Indonesia is one of those countries that cannot do the job properly. This very problem of the education in Indonesia can be easily found in the most recent news on TV, newspapers, internet etc. In regard to this, this paper aims to analyze the educational problems of Indonesia focusing on the teaching approaches and teaching styles towards elementary school students. This is in response to the distressing found news that has been tossing around the country about elementary schools graduates that happened to be illiterate, they cannot read nor can they write. In other words, this paper is also aiming to solve the mentioned problems.
Key Words: Teaching Approaches, Teaching Styles, Elementary School Students, Educational Problems in Indonesia

Education is important in life. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said that education is essential to good citizenship and that education is important to life because it enables people to contribute to their community and their country. That is, a good education is arguably the most important service that a government can provide to its citizens. Ironically unfortunate, Indonesia seems to be moving away from the ideal of producing and owning an informed, curious, and knowledgeable populace. This really is a serious problem a country can bear. The problem has been around for way too long and it does not seem to get any better. In fact, one constantly hears the refrain that the Indonesian workforce is uncompetitive, even in the Southeast Asian region, but this is entirely the fault of an education system that is outdated and failing the very people it is meant to empower.
This very problem of the education in Indonesia can be easily found in the most recent news. There is tons of news spreading around the society and there is this one heartbreaking and distressing news’ that have caught public’s attention which is about elementary school students, the students of elementary schools in Timika, Papua to be exact, saying that the graduates of elementary schools are found to be illiterate, they cannot read nor can they write. Technology has been expanding just like how the era has been too, this is 2016, instead of showing any improvements, the education in Indonesia only seems to be losing its ground. There must have been the cause of such terribly distressing case which the entire of it surely lays on the educational system of Indonesia itself. Being wide awoken by this distressing news is what has caught the attention and the interest of the authors to talk about the education problem in Indonesia especially the problem that lays on the young generation of Indonesia, which is the elementary schools students, focusing on the teaching approaches and teaching styles towards elementary school students.
UNESCO director, general Irina Bokova in a press has ever stated that “The world has made tremendous progress towards Education for All” but the fact that it seems to be the otherwise in Indonesia is one thing to be concerned of. Furthermore, the problem to be concerned of is the fact that elementary schools graduates are found to be illiterate, they cannot read nor can they write. From the article, it seems that the causes of the problem  lay on a lot of factors, they are from the educational services in every school such as the absence of teachers in class, the presence of careless teachers to lazy teachers, lazy students, another factor is from the chief of educational department that has given less attention to educational institutions especially those which locations are in inland and coastal areas, the presence of inactive schools in such locations also becomes the problem. Furthermore, if being analyzed closely, the other cause of such problem can also lay on the teaching approaches and teaching styles used by the teachers to the targeted learners. That is the question that is left is what is actually the teaching approach and teaching style that should be used by teachers especially the elementary school teachers?
From the problem stated above, there are some findings found related to the problem. According to the article, it seems that the causes of the problem lay on a lot of factors. Furthermore, the authors believe that they are more to the factors than what is revealed in the article. If being analyzed closely, the cause of such problem can also lay on the teaching approaches and teaching styles used by the teachers to the targeted learners. There must be something that cannot be reached by the teachers that have made their elementary students to be illiterate. Teachers are supposed to be able to make their students to be literate especially after they have graduated from schools. The unreached goal can come from the way the teachers deliver the materials. This means the problem is on the teaching approaches and teaching styles.
Elementary education is important for children for it is the first stage of formal education a child receives. Then again, it is never an easy or simple task in teaching children. Hence, teachers who handle elementary schools should really be competent teachers who do know about what they do. There are many definitions of learning, one of those is by Schuck D (2000) stating that learning involves the acquisition and modification of knowledge, skills, strategies, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. There are many processes involved in learning. Most learning theories concentrate on the significance for the way that learning is delivered. Moreover, the change of teaching focus from teacher-centered instruction to student-centered instruction gives way to the emergence of various teaching approaches aiming at how students should learn. Teaching approach is like a description of how teachers go about teaching their students. 
According to Fachrurrazy (2014), among the so many teaching approaches, the very current teaching approaches are Constructive Approach, Contextual Approach, Quantum Teaching and Learning, Cooperative Learning, and various instructional models. These approaches and models began to emerge in the last decade of the 20th century, and were claimed to be applicable to various subject matters. Moreover, there is this other approach called Responsive Classroom Approach that since the 1990s it has emerged as a nationally renowned method of teaching (NEFC, 2016). Teachers are supposed to be very familiar with these approaches especially the teachers who are pure graduates of educational departments.
Teaching approaches are one of basic knowledge that should not only be mastered by teachers but also known on how to apply them and actually apply them in the teaching and learning process. By saying that teachers should master these approaches means that teachers are really familiar with them that they can choose one that is most suitable with the class they handle. In choosing one approach that is most suitable, teachers must be well aware of the class they handle in order to see the kinds of students they handle and the probable approach that can be used in the teaching and learning process for those kinds of students. That is to say, if a teacher fails in mastering the approaches then the vertical line would be them failing in trying to reach their goal as a teacher in the class they handle. As in the case revealed in the mentioned article about elementary school graduates that cannot read and write, such problem can be the impact of incompetent teachers in that area. This is even claimed by the article itself that basically says such case can happen from a lot of factors which come from the educational services in schools, some of which are the presence of careless teachers to lazy teachers. These kinds of characters are no way to be of those competent teachers’. Furthermore, these kinds of incompetent teachers can lead to many things but the goods. As in what happened in Timika, Papua, these teachers had led their students to be illiterate, that cannot be any more tragic and distressing than that.
On the other side, the article also reveals that the chief of educational department has given less attention to educational institutions especially those which locations are in inland and coastal areas. These elementary schools in Papua are of those which locations are in inland and coastal areas and this explains a lot on why these schools have these kinds of incompetent teachers. There should be a relationship, a strong bond, between the educational department and every educational institution with no exception. Making sure of schools owning competent teachers is that one important job of Educational department. Moreover, it is educational institutions’ job to make sure that the teachers they have are of those really competent teachers that actually know all the things about teaching and learning process from the teaching approaches to the teaching styles.
When speaking about elementary school students, a teacher really needs to use an appropriate teaching approach. Lessons in the elementary classroom need to be structured differently from those in the middle school or high school classroom. Furthermore, the Responsive Classroom approach is an innovative way of teaching developed by the Northeast Foundation for Children (NEFC). Dr. Sara E. Rimm-Kaufman, who led the Social and Emotional Learning Study, or SALS, found that the Responsive Classroom approach had a noticeable impact on the academic and social skills of students. There is indeed no best teaching approach but the responsive classroom approach seems to be appropriate with the kinds of students found in Indonesia especially in Papua. This is due to the fact that the elementary schools students in Papua or elementary schools students in general are unfortunately found to be lazy for classes but excited enough to go to school to play with their peers. In other words, these kinds of students need a more joyful learning environment instead of a serious one. That is, responsive classroom approach which one of its important intentions is to built strong and safe environment for the teaching and learning process can be the appropriate approach to use.  
There are teaching approaches and there are also teaching styles. The two are equally important especially in the teaching and learning process done to elementary schools students.  Teachers need to master the both of them or else, there will be an imbalance. Teaching approaches and teaching styles are not two exact same things. Teaching styles which also refers to teaching method comprises the principles and the methods used for instruction. Moreover, the difference between teaching approaches and teaching styles is that the teaching approach is like the form or way teachers teach, how teachers do it, while teaching styles is what kind of activities teachers used in order to teach.
The most effective teachers vary their teaching styles depending on the nature of the subject matter, the phase of the course, and other factors such as the influence of the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students. A teacher needs to use appropriate teaching style just like they have to use appropriate teaching approach when teaching elementary students. According to Carstairs (2016), the most popular teaching styles used in the elementary classroom are demonstration, hands on, the traditional lecture, collaboration, and hands off.
Many times teachers rely on demonstration to help their students comprehend material. This is due to the fact that elementary students need supported practice and always would. Furthermore, elementary students generally learn best with hands-on methods. For instance, students will most likely have difficulty understanding the concept of multiplication if it is just explained to them. Then, a standard, formal way of teaching is the traditional lecture method. In this method, the teacher assumes the role of an expert and provides facts to the students. Moreover, in Collaboration, teachers can create an activity and then encourage their students to work together either in a group or with a partner. Finally, Hands-off is the style of teaching where teachers give their students only minimal instructions. This one approach works best for students in their later years of elementary school.
Looking back into the case revealed in the mentioned article before, the fact that elementary schools graduates happen to be illiterate can be the cause of the teachers’ failure in applying their chosen teaching approach and style, if there is even any though. The article basically reveals that there are careless and lazy teachers in the concerned areas, these kinds of teachers have all the possibility of not mastering the knowledge of any real teacher has. Moreover, the fact that the chief of educational department is said to have given less attention to the concerned areas is like a confirmation to the possibility of the presence of these incompetent teachers in the concerned areas. Therefore, with this case having gone to public, the educational department must do something in the concern of not only the existence of competent teachers but also making sure that the knowledge of teaching approaches and styles are possessed by every teacher. They need to take into action immediately to fix the distressing problem before everything becomes too late.
Teaching approaches and teaching styles are considered to be very important for every teacher to master. Having to lack this knowledge can only lead to disadvantaging the students. The case that happened in Timika, Papua can be an example for everyone concerned. Off all the many problems on education can have, Indonesia bears a distressing one, elementary schools graduates being illiterate. And among the many factors for such problem is the lack of incompetent teachers that should not even exist in the first place. Incompetent teachers in Papua have led the young generation to be nothing sort of illiterate. Making sure that students are literate is the absolute goal of elementary schools teachers. And when they have failed to do so, something went really wrong on the concern that the teachers could not manage to deliver their best in the teaching and learning process. Moreover, in the teaching and learning process, teachers need to know what teaching approach and style they should use that are most appropriate and suitable with the class they handle. That is, the authors believe that such case of students being illiterate is the impact of incompetent teachers who lack knowledge of teaching approaches and teaching styles among the many other factors discussed above.
Teaching approaches and teaching styles are one of basic knowledge that should not only be mastered by teachers but also known on how to apply them and actually apply them in the teaching and learning process. In choosing one approach that is most suitable, teachers must be well aware of the class they handle in order to see the kinds of students they handle and the probable approach that can be used in the teaching and learning process for those kinds of students. There are a lot of kinds of teaching approaches and teaching styles, and no one is better than the others because it is about choosing the most suitable and appropriate one. However, in handling elementary schools students, teachers can take responsive classroom approach and the teaching styles revealed by Carstairs (2016) into consideration for they are said to be the most common and suitable approach and style used for elementary schools students.
Any case about educational problems should really be taken seriously. Especially, the case that happened in Indonesia about elementary schools graduates that are tragically found to be illiterate. The cause of such terribly distressing case must surely lay on the educational system of Indonesia itself. Hence, Indonesian needs to revolutionize their educational system for good, for the future of Indonesia.  Indonesia must invest more in education. The Indonesians obviously won’t see any improvements in the near future on their education if nothing is set and done. There must be something to be done to make a change such as fixing up the educational departments and their relationship with educational institutions. Indonesia can try even if it is just from the simplest and smallest step, even if it will take years to really get the improvements the people have been craving for all this time but at least, that simple and small step can be the first step in securing the country’s educational system and the country’s long-term competitiveness and standing.


Carstairs, James. 2016. Most Common Teaching Styles. (Online)
Fachrurrazy. 2014. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Teachers in Indonesia. Malang :
State University of Malang Press
Jakarta Globe. 2016. Education Report Shows Indonesia Losing Ground. (Online)
JAMK. 2016. Approaches to Learning. (Online)

JPNN. 2016. Lulusan SD Belum Bisa Baca Tulis, Ketua DPRD Geram. (Online)
NEFC. 2016. The Responsive Classroom Approach. (Online)

The Article

The Original Article (In Indonesian)
Jumat, 01 Juli 2016 , 20:30:00
Lulusan SD Belum Bisa Baca Tulis, Ketua DPRD Geram

Siswa SD. Ilustrasi Foto:

Ketua DPRD Mimika, Papua, Elminus B Mom, geram menyikapi laporan adanya murid lulusan Sekolah Dasar (SD) di daerah tersebut tapi belum bisa membaca dan menulis.
Dia mengingatkan, temuan ini harus menjadi perhatian serius Dinas Pendidikan Kabupatan Mimika.
“Adanya murid yang tidak lulus ini guru-guru perlu sadari. Kenapa sampai mereka tidak tahu membaca dan menulis,” kata Elminus di kantor DPRD, seperti diberitakan Radar Timika (Jawa Pos Group).
Menurut Elminus, Dinas Pendidikan Dasar kedepan harus betul-betul melakukan pengawasan dan monitoring layanan pendidikan di setiap sekolah. Lebih khusus adanya kevakuman sejumlah sekolah di pedalaman dan pesisir.
“Kepala dinas pendidikan harus melihat keberadaan guru-guru  terutama di pedalaman dan pesisir. Karena kalau begini, anak-anak kita ini yang dirugikan,” kata dia.
Dia juga menyebut ada beberapa sekolah di pedalaman yang bahkan sangat jarang melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar. Hal ini disebabkan rendahnya kesadaran pendidikan masyarakat, diperparah kurangnya konsistensi guru memberikan layanan pendidikan di sana.
“Siapa yang salah, karena di sekolah kadang tidak ada guru, atau guru masa bodoh, apalagi di pedalaman. Murid malas tahu, lalu tiba ujian mereka ikut. Tapi akhirnya, kasih lulus begitu saja padahal tidak ada pengetahuan sama sekali,” bebernya.
Sebelumnya, Tim seleksi murid baru di SMP Negeri II Mimika menolak 15 pendaftar lulusan Sekolah Dasar (SD) lantaran diketahui sama sekali belum tahu baca tulis. Hal miris ini terungkap saat Komisi C DPRD Mimika melakukan monitoring pekan lalu.
Para wakil rakyat menilai hal ini merupakan tamparan keras bagi Dinas Pendidikan Dasar atas realita kwalitas pendidikan yang masih sangat rendah. Padahal, pemerintah telah mengalokasikan anggaran cukup besar untuk pendidikan di Mimika. ka melakukan monitoring pekan lalu.

 The Translated Article (In English)
Friday, July 1, 2016, 8.3 PM
Elementary School Graduates Are Illiterate, Parliament’s Chairman is Furious.

Elementary School Students. Illustration Pic:

TIMIKA - Chairman of Mimika Parliament, Papua, Elminus B Mom, is furious addressing reports of students graduating from elementary schools in the concerned area but have not been able to read and write.
He warned, these findings should be a serious concern of Mimika Regency of Educational Department ( Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Mimika.)
"The presence of students who do not pass is needed to be aware of by teachers. How come they not know on how to read and write, "said Elminus in Parliament's office, as reported by Radar Timika (Jawa Pos Group).
According Elminus, Basic Education Department really needs to carry out surveillance and monitoring of education services at each school. More specifically is about a number of inactive schools in inland and coastal areas.
"The chief of educational department must know the conditions of the teachers, especially in inland and coastal areas. Due to this extent, our children are the one being disadvantaged, "he said.
He also mentioned that there are several schools in the inland areas that happen to be very rare in implementing teaching and learning process. This is due to the low awareness of education from public, this is then compounded by the lack of consistent teachers in providing educational services there.
"Who is wrong? Because sometimes there is no teachers in schools, or the existence of careless and lazy teachers, especially in the inland areas. The students are lazy to study and know things, and then suddenly they take an exam. However, they pass the exam when there is no knowledge at all, "he explained.
Previously, the selection team of new students at SMPN II Mimika rejected 15 registrants, graduates of elementary schools, because they happened to be illiterate, cannot read nor can they write. This distressing case was revealed during the monitoring done by the Parliament Commission C Mimika last week.
The people's representatives assess this is a hard blow for the Department of Basic Education on the reality of the quality of education that is still very low. In fact, the government has allocated a large budget for education in Mimika.

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